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Body - total 25 points

The total points for the body is second only to total points for ears.  The total points for the ears is 30 points.  The body is 25 total points,  The torso and neck is a total of 9 points.  When you think about it, that's nearly 10% of the total points for the cat.
The BODY characteristics are as follows:
Torso Shape: semi-foreign rectangle, length one and one-half times height at shoulder, medium depth of chest and foank.
Size: intermediate with allowances for larger males.
Muscular: Moderate strenght and tone, flexible.
Tail:  flexible, wide at base, tapering, equal to body length.
Legs:  length medium in proportion to body, set straight when viewed fron front or rear.  Medium boning, neither fine nor heavy.
Neck:  medium
Feet:  medium and rounded,


In the photo above, David Mare is evaluating a number of features.  This is how the judges will hold a cat to look at torso, body structure, musculature, length, coat, overall appearance and proportion of the cat.  You should take the time at home to get your show cats comfortable with being stretched in this same manner so they will not be alarmed in the show hall.  It's important that a show cat is comfortable being stretched and elevated in this same manner.  Don't wait until you get your cat into a loud, busy show hall to stretch your cat.  Allowing this stretch also shows the judge how a sense of comfort being held by strangers.

BODY TORSO & NECK - total 9 points

BODY SIZE & BONING - total 6 points

BODY LEGS & FEET - total 5 point

BODY TAIL LENGTH - total 5 points