EYES - SHAPE & SIZE - total 6 points
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EYES - Shape & Placement


This is a good illustration of the shape of the face as well as shape of the eyes.  However, the eyes the placement of the eyes are too horizontal in relationship to the placement of the ears.  When a photo is used to illustrate a particular feature, we will try to comment on other features you may notice.  But the purpose is to use the particular photo to illustrate the subject only. 

Four specific things to watch in the photos below:
1 - "walnut shape - OVAL on top & round on the bottom".
2 - "set on slight angle between base of ear and tip of nose" 
3 - eyes "one eye width apart"
4 - "moderately large"

1 - "walnut shape - OVAL on top & round on the bottom".
2 - "set on slight angle between base of ear and tip of nose" 
3 - eyes "one eye width apart"


This kitten is about 4 months old.  The eye placement can still change as the head grows.  It probably won't, but you should keep in mind that minor changes will occur as the head continues to grow and if you plan to show your cat, don't assume that if the eyes look good at 4 months, that they will automatically stay that way.  This photo is used primarily to illustrate the shape of the eyes and the width between the eyes across the bridge of the nose.


Ok, now look at this 4 month old baby.  The eye shape is fine, but pull out a ruler and measure the width between the center of both eyes across the bridge of the nose. 
See the difference?


This  child has good eyes, good shape, good placement.  But look at where the outside corner of the eyes are in relation to the ears.